Excerpted from KPVA Resources
Per KPVA Bylaws Section 3.06 (f):
The KPVA Board may "adopt, revise, amend and alter from time to time reasonable rules and regulations with respect to use, occupancy, operation and enjoyment of the Property, which rules shall be adopted at regular or special meetings of the Board with notice posted advance to advise Members that such matters are under consideration.
For latest versions, go directly to the KPVA official website at
ORNAMENTS – No statues, flag poles, sculptures, painted trees, bird baths, replicas of animals or persons, or other like objects, except temporary holiday decorations may be affixed to or placed on any lot or building where such object would be visible from any street.
PARKING – No vehicle shall be parked upon the grass or landscaped portion of any lot at any time. On street parking during daylight hours is discouraged. Additionally, no vehicle shall be parked overnight on any street on a regular, recurrent or permanent.
SATELLITE DISHES – All satellite dishes shall be installed as to not be obvious to other property owners, nor where such object would be visible from any street.
SOLAR PANELS – No solar panel or similar device shall be constructed, placed or attached on the roof or other outside portion of the dwelling house nor maintained on any other portion of any lot.
WINDOW TREATMENT – All windows from the exterior shall show white, off–white, or a color compatible with color of the exterior finish of the dwelling. Any disputes regarding color selection or compatibility will be determined by the sole discretion of the Architectural Control Committee and the Board of Directors.
LANDSCAPE MULCH AREAS – Mulched landscape areas surrounding villas shall not be expanded.
ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS/TRELLISES – Ornamental Railings/Trellises are railings that enclose a small portion the rear yard close to the building itself; for example, an ornamental railing may enclose a rear "personal patio". An ornamental railing may be permitted provided it does not exceed a height of four (4) feet and is constructed of wood. In any event, no ornamental railing shall be constructed or maintained upon any lot until plans for design, color, and exact location of the same have been approved by the Architectural Control Committee and the Board of Directors.
DECKS – Treated lumber, for example, Wolmanized wood shall be approved material for the construction of new decks or the replacement of existing decks. Composite materials will be considered. In any event, no deck shall be constructed or maintained on any lot until the design, color and exact location for the same has been approved by the Architectural Control Committee and the Board of Directors.
The above rules Approved: March 4, 2008
Knollwood Park Villas Association
Board of Directors
VEHICLES – Inoperable vehicles of any type are not to remain on a Homesite driveway or in the street. Motorcycles must be in the garage on a Homesite. A Homesite's garage stalls must be filled with cars or trucks before a car or truck is permitted to be parked overnight on the Homesite driveway. No tarp or other related covering is authorized to be placed on a car or truck parked on a driveway.
The above rule Approved: April 15, 2013
Knollwood Park Villas Association
Board of Directors (Alexandra Hogan, Gawain Stewart, Charles Foster, Harry Winters, Betty Vecchio)
GARAGE SALES – There will be no garage sales within the addition, unless it is intended for all owners, AND approved by the Board.
ESTATE SALES – Estate sales shall be approved by the Board and for not more than two days. Parking shall be limited to one side of the street and there shall be no items for sale displayed outside of the Dwelling.
The above rules Approved: October 28, 2019
Knollwood Park Villas Association
Board of Directors (Tom Felger, Don Monhaut, Ted Obenour, Kim Poovey, Dale Dabrowiak)
RE-STAINING – Must be completed every 6 years using specified stain (see p.5, #13, footnote 2); schedule and stain color set by Architectural Control Committee (ACC). After consulting with the ACC owners have the option of changing to another color among the eight options as long as the new color selected is not the same as their immediate neighbors. Please note that the wood trim, mailbox posts, yard lamp posts, wood or metal garage doors, and service doors must also be stained. Any warped, cracked or deteriorating cedar siding must also be replaced at this time. The only stain that may be used is Benjamin Moore Arborcoat Solid Deck and Siding Stain. The approved supplier is C. E. Lee 1725 N. Ironwood, South Bend, IN, 574-262-6888. Owners may use any contractor (although a list of available contractors can be requested from the ACC). A Staining Completion Form must be completed and returned when staining is finished. Details involving your villa staining are typically mailed (USPS) a year in advance, allowing you ample time to schedule a contractor, since their schedules for a given year fill up rapidly in the spring.
REPAIR/REPLACEMENT ROOFING SHINGLES – When repair or replacement is required, the approved roof shingles for ALL villas is GAF TIMBERLINE in the WEATHERED WOOD color. ACC must pre-approve all replaced roofs.
Approved/updated 3-31-2016
RULES (Paper Version):
For latest versions, go directly to the KPVA official website at
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